Saturday, January 28, 2012

The More Yah Eat, The More Yah Toot!

Before I start this post, I will make a statement.
I am NOT, nor do I confess to BE, nor think I am, a fitness/health/nutrition "Guru".  I am, however, educated on the effects of various nutrients on the the body.  Despite what you may think, in addition to teaching us (chefs) 1,000 ways to ADD to the obesity epidemic in the United States, we learn a few on how to encourage healthy eating.  IE. an entire semester dedicated to nutrition.  So take my words as you will...

Fiber is an AWESOME nutrient that can support you in weight loss, satiety (fullness), heart health, and aids in digestion.

In the US our supermarkets are loaded up with goodies that contain this stuff called "isolated fiber".  You'll see signs that say things like;
‘1/3 of Your Daily Needs For Fiber!’
‘An Excellent Source of Fiber!’
‘Now With Twice As Much Fiber!’

What that means is that the fiber food manufacturers add fiber to foods that wouldn't naturally have it in order to make us think they're healthy.  The problem is that this manufactured fiber doesn't have the same benefits that natural fiber does.  Example- FIBER ONE BARS. yuck.

I effing hate these things.
The "fiber" in these babies comes from sugarcane fiber and this stuff called "polydextrose".
Eating large doses of this stuff can cause serious gastronomical issues.
 The USDA ruled that any food that contains more than 15 grams of polydextrose must have a warning label stating“sensitive individuals may experience a laxative effect from excessive consumption of this product.”
I don't really like eating foods with warning lables often.

The sources of fiber that actually do the positive things I mentioned earlier on come from natural sources.  That means vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.  Fiber rich foods make awesome snacks because they hold you over until its time for your next meal.  The more skin, seeds, and stems you eat with your fruits and veggies hte more fiber you get.

I know, you probablly just thought, "ew, im not eating a stem of anything."
Well, celery and asparagus are nothing BUT stem.  And most people eat the stem of things like broccoli and cauliflower.  Things like blackberries, kiwi, and cucumber have seeds that are not harmful to eat.  Green leafy veggies are LOADED with fiber.  Beans are another great source.  Black beans have 15 grams of fiber in one cup!  I don't like them often, they leave a stench in my home. (If yah know what i'm sayin')

Have a sweet tooth?  When fruits are dried the natural sugars are intensified becuase of the absence of liquid.  They make an awesome snack.
Oatmeal is an awesome way to start your day off.  The fiber digests slowly and keeps you full until meal time.  Add some fruit to it and your working double time!

This is an awesome salad I love making.  The cucumber, yogurt, and cayanne pepper combine so nicely, its really exciting!

Cucumber Cilantro Salad

4 cucumbers, diced
2 tomatos, diced
1/2 a red onion, diced
1 cup plain Greek Yogurt
1 TBSP lemon juice
2 TBSP fresh chopped cilantro
1/4 tsp cayanne (I add more because I like the spice)
Salt and Pepper to taste. 

     1)  Mix together yogurt, lemon juice, cayanne, and cilantro, like a dressing.
     2)  Add the cucumber, tomato, and onion, stirring well to incorporate.
     3)  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

The Greek yogurt is a good source of protien, so it helps keep you full along with the fiber in cucumber and tomato.
I like to let it marinate in the refridge before I eat it, so everything can mingle. :)

Buen Apetito!


  1. that sounds yummy! i been having some fiber problems myself..... -_-

  2. Awesome Jess, try it out and let me know what oyu think!
